Land Rover
Range Rover
Land Rover
Defender 110 P400 X
Gross: €130,900.00
Net (Export): €110,000.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 265 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Defender 110 V8 Carpathian Edition
Gross: €148,155.00
Net (Export): €124,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 14.8 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 14.8 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 334 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P510e HSE
Gross: €193,732.00
Net (Export): €162,800.00
Drive: Plugin Hybrid (Petrol/Electricity)
Electricity Consumption (weighted, combined): 29.2 kWh/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (weighted, combined): 0.9 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (weighted, combined): 20 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (weighted, combined): B¹

CO₂ Emissions with a Discharged Battery: 229 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions with a Discharged Battery: G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P530 4.4L ATB
Gross: €220,150.00
Net (Export): €185,000.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 265 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P530 4.4L ATB
Gross: €225,446.00
Net (Export): €189,450.42
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 265 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover D350 ATB LWB
Gross: €231,812.00
Net (Export): €194,800.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Diesel)
Energy Consumption (combined): 8.1 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 8.1 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 213 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P530 4.4L First Edition
Gross: €231,812.00
Net (Export): €194,800.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 265 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P530 4.4L ATB
Gross: €237,762.00
Net (Export): €199,800.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 265 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover Sport SV P635 EDITION ONE
Gross: €255,255.00
Net (Export): €214,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 12.1 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 12.1 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 274 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P530 4.4L ATB LWB
Gross: €255,255.00
Net (Export): €214,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.9 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.9 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 270 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover Sport SV P635 EDITION ONE
Gross: €276,080.00
Net (Export): €232,000.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 12.1 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 12.1 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 274 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P530 4.4L SV LWB
Gross: €292,502.00
Net (Export): €245,800.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.8 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.8 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 269 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P615 4.4L SV LWB
Gross: €308,805.00
Net (Export): €259,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.9 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.9 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 270 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P615 4.4L SV LWB
Gross: €314,755.00
Net (Export): €264,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.9 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.9 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 270 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Land Rover
Range Rover P530 4.4L SV LWB
Gross: €321,062.00
Net (Export): €269,800.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 11.8 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 11.8 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 269 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹